Or regularly undertake activities such as heavy gardening, heavy DIY work. Very active - You exercise almost every day of the week doing high intensity training such as running, spinning, team or competitive sports. Daily dog walking (brisk pace, twice a day). going to the gym / swimming / cycling / horse riding / dance classes / playing golf. Boiled potatoes and fried cabbage come together to form a great side dish or main ingredient in this bubble & squeak. Moderately active - Do light to moderate intensity exercise 3-4 times a week. Spend majority of leisure time doing activities such as watching TV, playing computer games, on the internet, reading, cooking, driving, general household chores. Inactive - Do very little exercise, going for the occasional walk (moderate pace, low intensity). Top each patty with a poached egg and serve with brown sauce. When water is just below a boil crack eggs, 2 at a time, and cook 2-3 minutes until soft poached. Heat a small pot of water with 2 tablespoons of white vinegar. Typical jobs: hospital/ward nurse, waitressing in a busy restaurant, cleaner, porter, labourer/construction worker, gardener, farm worker. You will know it is ready to turn when you hear the pan bubble and squeak. Heavy - Active for much of the day, walking non-stop and carrying objects. Typical jobs: shop assistant, teacher, chef/cook, bar worker, engineer. Moderate - On your feet for much of the day, either standing or occasional slow paced walking. Typical jobs: office worker, sales rep, bus/taxi/lorry driver. Light - Have a job that involves long periods of sitting (office-based / driving) or are home-based and sitting for much of the day.