Musicbee reviews
Musicbee reviews

musicbee reviews musicbee reviews

Visualisers, various layouts (mini, mid, full, album art & playing track, size & timed pop up - it has it all believe. Musicbee is SO flexible, I've tried 30 or 40 other players yet MB is still my main and has been for years, all the other apps have bits I like and many I don't, Musicbee.

musicbee reviews

Just use Musicbee and forget the others that crash, hang, break your library, over write id tags & covers without you knowing why etc etc. (eg 1 with my entire collection laid out differently with a different colour scheme that EASILY handles nearly 500,000 audio fles (60% FLAC), another set up for basic previewing of newly acquired music, a second that only has 1 specific genre and a fourth that I use for storing the files that i discovered lacked tags (that's 1 instal version & 3 portable versions) all with purposefully selected button sets to suite their intended "jobs" - you can literally add a button with your choice of icon (+colour) for every single action! no other player offers this. In fact I have 4 instances of it all set up not just for completely different looks matching the genres but set up for a streamlined user experience, a complicated 9so to speak) full on set up and some in betweeners. InventiveChacUayabXoc's Experience Does EVERYTHING better than all the other apps - UNLESS you (believe yourself) to be a "power user" then use Foobar especially if you like ugly, I mean utilitarian apps, personally I'd rather use Musicbee alongside Tagscanner and my codec tools of choice than suffer foobars limited customisation and obfuscated ui (yes you can skin foobar, so it goes from ugly to merely plain) I prefer an audio player whose UI i can tweak a 1000 different ways until it's EXACTLY how I like/need it.

Musicbee reviews